January 11, 2024

Misery of an Old Man

Misery of an old man

Unusually, the morning breakfast was heavy that Dhanapal could not concentrate his reading " The Hindu", resting on the easy Chair in the sitting room. His slumber was disturbed by the screeching sound of the iron gate , and surprised to see Kolappan enter the house profusely sweating and walking in unsteady steps of his age  rushing to sit on the Veranda. The surprise was more so that he did not come when his close friend and Dhanya's father expired a few months back nor attended the funeral or consoled them as a regular visitor and who almost was a family member . Dhanya came running from inside the house in her kitchen attire and unkempt hair and was equally stunned to see the visitor.

Kolappan was more than a guest in their home since her father was his office colleague and he was a mentor in many ways to her since childhood. Dhanapal too liked and loved him very much for his forthrightness and simple ways, and took his advise sincerely quite often. Most evenings to late hours both his father and Kolappan occupied the corner veranda chairs playing cards and enjoyed their sunset days . He used to carry invariably some snacks, either roasted peanuts or Pakoras and shared the same with  inmates.

Today, even before asking him what he would like to drink, either a cold lemonade or his favorite black coffee as is his wont , to  stunning silence and surprise, Kolappan opened up.  " I need a help from you, Dhanapal . I know that you being in a senior position have links and good contact with a few press people where you are employed. I want to publish my memoirs of hard work and service period, linked to the past history of the village".

Both Dhanya and  Dhanapal lost for words for a reply to the sudden and strange request from a man so close to the family. They were expecting him to consoling them and for his absence all these days or to say about father's bereavement and his association with them . They were surprised and could not assess the person who had never asked for a favor and always offering his services only. Is it that he chose to come with the subject in his mind and not because of the affection to his friend's children. Anyhow it is  turn to give him an answer to this strange request which is very difficult to oblige and at the same time he should not feel and go back displeased or dejected. Dhanapal called one or two of his friends and made an enquiry and presented the predicament he was forced upon to answer . The first one promptly refused whereas the second person directed to a third person with proper briefing . Kolappan walked back slowly, on the information he got without a word to the hosts towards gate .

Happiness is but an occasional dream in the general drama of pain, thought Dhanapal sitting one evening knowing not who said these words. He was looking at Dhanya, seated next to her wandering in her own thoughts. It was at this moment Kolappan appeared before them with no visible expression in his face and all of a sudden after a prolonged three or four weeks, since his  last visit.

With no introduction Kolappan told Dhanapal that he did not go and meet his friend in the town and that he wanted to talk to him over certain matters . His two sons got to know of the manuscript and memoirs without his knowledge and first crossed him extensively and
admonished later of the consequences. He was told that both of them were educated well and cultured . They are  running a chain of Supermarkets of repute in the Town successfully and living with reputation and goodwill. " You have written all rubbish on persons with whom we have good relations and business dealings of high standard.  Hydrose  Haji who you have mentioned as an old egg dealer and made money on errands and smuggling in drugs etc.. is now a number one businessman in the State. Your findings on Jose Kurien a property dealer allegedly encroached wastelands and Govt. estates are all  fabricated cases. He was acquitted by the courts and is now a well known member of Rotary and Cosmopolitan Clubs. Even our two Business properties are acquired  thro his initiative and help. What proof you have to cast aspersions on the respectful and most benevolent  Chettiar Illam and its occupants! Are they not benevolent and philanthropist ?. Political parties of different flags and colors bestowed upon them many an Award and Titles. So nothing more we have to say and if you have any plans to bring out your dirty revelations in public, you are not going to succeed . We have to live here and achieve more and develop our Business to higher levels."
My pleadings to them on the sweat and truth behind my work and that there is no other motive have failed to convince my children . He knew it is a closed chapter and abruptly stopped from further speaking . Dhanya's request to Kolappan to come home as often, did not yield any response and left soon as the way he came, signaling them not to visit him or his children on his behalf. They might have also enough evidence and suspect you too as co- conspirators to his plans."

Months passed by and we have cleansed our mind of the thoughts on Kolappan or his memoirs ; it was when he suddenly appeared before us dressed shabbily and crestfallen .
He took the drinks offered by Dhanya and instantly swallowed it.  Once he was finally ready to speak told Dhanapal  " Please hear me patiently . My work and effort should not go wasteful without a print. My children will never allow it to happen. You should bring it out  in your name and they can't do anything."

 It is more than a shock and never expected such a shady proposal will come from a respectful person. Irrespective of the outcome or whatever be the response consequence, Dhanapal said abruptly "NO".  Much to an embarrassing situation Dhanya  too  was a witness but could do nothing and watched  Kolappan  leaving the gate, murmuring to himself something inaudible.

While returning from the Press Office one day , Dhanapal saw the servant of Kolappan's house rushing towards him and told that Kolappan is seriously ill and not in a good state these days. Dhanapal on reaching home conveyed the news to Dhanya and discussed on the dilemma of  a visit to  their house .  Whether they will be welcomed by Kolappan's sons after the incidents relating to his infrequent visits and how Dhanya will take if anything bad happened there,  it was finally decided that Dhanapal will alone go and face the music even if it is uncharitable .

Much against the suspicion and worry, Kolappan's younger son welcomed Dhanapal graciously and as a friend known for years closely.  After initial conversations on many subjects of the day and weather, invited him inside to his father's bedroom. Kolappan was sitting there in the chair looking frail and tired , looking at the wall opposite and talking incessantly and  loudly with no  coherence, specific meaning with hands and eyes moving involuntarily . He has not recognized the visitor nor felt his presence . He is now in his own world and have no more  stories,  old or new to tell which will come out of the person.

Meanwhile the elder son too joined his brother to greet Dhanapal and prompted him to speak to Kolappan, fully knowing that no truth is to come out and that they have won over the witness  too, from any further threat of a Print.  Before accompanying to the Gate and surrounding high boundary wall, both the children bade well smilingly  for Dhanapal. 

 Many a secret will have a natural death inside these compounds forever.!


  1. However true Kolappan’s memoirs were, it was not in the interest of his sons’ business and they rightly prevented him from publishing.Luckily for them Kolappan has lost his mental bearing.
    A nice story narrated well.

  2. What was the harm changing the names of those influential people and publish the story using a pseudonym ? Anyways, well written.

  3. What was the harm in publishing the story after suitability changing the names of the so called influential people & using a pseudonym for Kolappan ? Nice story though.

  4. Rajagopalan, Chennai: Good story. Thanks for sharing


“ദി സ്റ്റോറിടെല്ലർ” – അവലോകനം

    Readers:  26 “ദി സ്റ്റോറിടെല്ലർ” – അവലോകനം എല്ലാ സിനിമകളും എല്ലാവർക്കും വേണ്ടിയുള്ളതല്ല, ‘ദി സ്റ്റോറിടെല്ലർ’ അത്തരമൊരു സിനിമാറ്റിക് അനുഭ...