September 11, 2024

Staying true to the Path

Staying True to the Path: A Spiritual Journey

A young man on a righteous mission recently sought clarification from his Guru.

Question: We were a group of young people involved in a spiritual mission. Some of them have left us for some reason. Not only have they left, but they are also working against us.

What should we do? To do nothing in return?

Answer: Suppose it is raining in the morning when you need to go home in an emergency. You take an umbrella and continue your journey, right? That's all you need to think. No goal comes easily. If we accept this, it means we are lost or our goal is not true.

Therefore, when going on important missions, we should focus on something other than who is with us but focus on being true to ourselves rather than straying from our goal. Always look within and be convinced that you are on the right path with God.

Q: Swamiji, those who left were so necessary. But the problem is, how can you work against them?

A: No one is separated from anyone. It is only that all are established in Him. Even if a horse has run a long distance to take us to our destination, if we have to cross a river on the way, it cannot run through water. It doesn't matter if it's misquoted or misrepresented. If we force ourselves to enter the water, it will happen to us. Is it okay to ask how can you behave like this after being with me for so long? It doesn't even understand your language. Gratefully leaving it to graze on the river bank, the traveler finds a boat or swims across to the other side.

The registration fee for tug of war is the same as for the conflict in our minds. If there is a conflict, we have paid the fee for the tug-of-war competition. If you pull the rope, you will win, expending all your energy, leaving no spare time to walk towards the goal. So let go of enmity.

God is the source of goodness for everyone. If someone claims to have separated from you, it's best to let go and move forward. Just like a tug-of-war rope, if no one is on the other side pulling, there's no reason to continue holding on. Each person can live their life independently and in their own way.

Q: Swamiji suggests that we should proceed while thinking of Bhagavan.

A: Once they realize that we are correct, won't they come with us? Our way is the right way. Whoever reaches the goal is right. It is to be measured in the final reckoning. Leave it be. That measurer is above us. Let him do it. Right and wrong are relative. Only truth is eternal. Don't let go of the truth. It doesn't matter who comes along. It can only be said that those who are supposed to come will succeed.

Q: Swamiji, our goal is to bring the maximum number of people to Bhagavan.

 A: That's great. But first, let's seek blessings. Then, follow His command and act. That's the best way to achieve the goal.


Source: Unknown 


  1. In the spiritual or life’s journey, therre is no I, you or we. We are all part of the same Supreme. One grts liberated if this consciousness is realized.

  2. Very clear and direct advice 👍

  3. Very clear and direct anwer 👍 --Murali Kodungallur

  4. In spirituality you are all alone. Some one leaves you or join you is immeterial. The ultimate aim is self realization. 🙏🙏🙏
    Sukumaran K


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