December 07, 2024



 Background: Tracing the history of women in leadership and administration, some of the sociologists are of the opinion that earlier societies were matriarchal, women were active in public work, and there was an equitable distribution of resources. However, over time, society took on a patriarchal, male-dominated character. Additionally, women were restricted to the stereotypical roles of homemakers, such as cooking and caring for infants, while men provided the household with income. Despite their crucial contributions to the development and continuation of civilization, women have been overlooked, and discrimination has begun to infiltrate society.

 The Truth: While women around the world comprise 50% of the population, access to financial independence has been slow over the decades. Unfortunately, gender bias has become so deeply rooted in the human psyche that it may take ages for a change in attitude towards women. It is abundantly clear that if economies, nations, and communities wish to thrive, the respect for women and their status in society should be natural. We have to admit that rules and regulations are not enough to empower them. The highly praised Women Reservation Bill that was recently passed is a positive step, but it would be ideal if it were implemented with the proper zeal and diligence.

 The Present : It is gratifying to note that India, dubbed by western media as a ‘developing nation', has shown way ahead with inclusive policies. All children, rich or poor, in rural or urban areas, receive free education, with 12 crore of them being girls. On higher education at postgraduate or doctoral levels, most girls opt for arts and sciences, nursing, or medicine. In most STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) institutes across the country, only 20 % are females. Also among faculty too, either in IITs, CSIR labs, AIIMS, IISERs, and IIMs, only 20 % are women. There should be a need to improve this gender gap urgently to accelerate progress We can be proud that so many anonymous women who had no strong family ties or support were able to take charge of their own lives. For example, fishermen who visit our homes, flower vendors who travel the streets in the rain or sun, domestic helpers who work nonstop around the clock on two-wheelers, and conservation workers who cheerfully go about their jobs. We have women lawyers, doctors, teachers, police officers, and many other professions. These are women who dared to get out of their confined roles once. Fortunately, the IT boom has led to a large number of women becoming entrepreneurs. Not to mention the non-traditional occupations that followed the less-traveled routes, like fighting pilots and truck, bus, or auto drivers! Also, we witnessed an all-contingent of women Army officers recently in the Republic Day parade. The government's numerous initiatives to protect and care for women in our society are important and commendable measures to empower women by giving them opportunities to become economically independent, improve their quality of life, and become more socially and economically empowered.

 Some of the schemes focused on financial assistance, health care, education, and skill development, among other things.

 1.   (a) Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao (Save the girl, Educate the girl): Aims at improving child sex ratio (CSR)

 b) Stand-up India: Provides loans and support to women entrepreneurs and encourages them to set up businesses and become financially independent. 

 c) Skill India Mission: focuses on equipping women with industry-relevant skills, making them employable and competitive in the job market.

 2. Safety and Security :

 a) One-Step Center: offers integrated support to women affected by violence, including medical aid, legal assistance, and consultancy.

 b) Women helpline: assistance to women in distress, connecting with relevant services and authorities

 c) Mahila Police Volunteers

 3. Financial inclusion and entrepreneur working :

 a) Sukanya Samridhi Yojana: encourages parents to save for their daughters’ future at attractive interest rates;

 b) PM Mudra Yojana: easy access to loans for women entrepreneurs, enabling them to start and grow their businesses

c) Mahila Shakti Yojana: these facilities serve as one-stop shops for women, offering them assistance and information on a range of government programs and projects. 

These are crucial steps towards building a future where women have equal opportunities and can reach their full potential. Additionally, addressing societal biases and promoting gender equality in various spheres is equally important for sustainable change. By investing in the future of women today, we can create a more inclusive and prosperous society for everyone. Women should take advantage of various government schemes available to them to become socially and economically self-reliant and enter mainstream business with their own ventures. Women should engage in business and skill-oriented industries and in all other fields and contribute to society at large. We all know that women contribute significantly to the well-being of families, societies, and even business. The rise of female entrepreneurs in nearly every industry is proof that, given the correct encouragement, women can achieve greater success and make faster progress. 

Thus, with all the efforts by the government across India, the private and public-spirited women entrepreneurs, India has become not a ‘ developing country’, but a ’developed one’. INVEST IN WOMEN AND ACCELERATE PROGRESS!

 Tailpiece: The United States has had 46 presidents so far, the first being George Washington, sworn in 1789. But nine of them were women. India has the upper hand in this case. Of the 15 Presidents so far, two have been women, within 75 years. Even when we look at our neighbors, we have had women heading the important offices. Thus, let us celebrate the days and years ahead for women!

* (KNSS, Sarjapur Karayogam, Bangalore, awarded this article first prize.)


  1. One way it is correct. But there are more areas where women can't cope up due to their faminin nature.

  2. Proud of women who have reached great heights. Prasanna Menon

  3. Very informative - Murali Kodungallur

  4. Correction in Tailpiece: To date, no woman has been elected president of the United States. Ms. Kamala Harris is the only woman who has held the office of Vice President. Thanks to Sri KP sir for pointing out the mistake.


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