February 06, 2024

Sri Ramakrishna and Bhagavad Gita -4


                                                        Sri Ramakrishna and Bhagavad Gita  


                                                                    JNANA VIJNANA YOGA

                                   THE YOGA OF KNOWLEDGE AND REALISATION


                              BG  7-3  मनुष्याणां सहस्रेषु कश्चिद्यतति सिद्धये |
                    यततामपि सिद्धानां कश्चिन्मां वेत्ति तत्त्वत: || 3||

BG 7.3: Amongst thousands of persons, hardly one strives for perfection; and amongst those who have achieved perfection, hardly one knows Me in truth.

Sri Ramakrishna :
The devotee who enter the temple of  Mother Annapurna in Banaras cannot get out of it without receiving some consecrated  food in accordance with the wont. Some get it immediately while others have to wait long before blessed  with it. But nobody is denied the privilege of obtaining it. Similarly Mukti is assured for all. Some get it in this very birth. Others have access to it after two or three  births, while yet others have to wait and go through countless births before becoming competent for emancipation. But all are  destined  for Mukti  sometime or  other .
                                  BG 7-6    एतद्योनीनि भूतानि सर्वाणीत्युपधारय |
                        अहं कृत्स्नस्य जगत: प्रभव: प्रलयस्तथा || 6||

BG 7.6: Know that all living beings are manifested by these two energies of Mine. I am the source of the entire creation, and into Me it again dissolves.

Sri Ramakrishna :
During those days when I was subjecting myself to spiritual discipline, I wish to know what Maya, the deluding power, was like . I saw a drop of water slowly evolving into a girl who further grew into a maid. She begot a baby and strangely enough swallowed it too . This act of hers was repeated several times. I concluded from that vision that it was Maya

                                    BG 7-7     मत्त: परतरं नान्यत्किञ्चिदस्ति धनञ्जय |
                         मयि सर्वमिदं प्रोतं सूत्रे मणिगणा इव || 7||

BG 7.7: There is nothing higher than Myself, O Arjun. Everything rests in Me, as beads strung on a thread.

Sri Ramakrishna :
What Brahman is like cannot be grasped by the ordinary mind. He therefore became  Ardhanareeswara- half-man,  half-woman  in order  to make Himself knowable to beings. This form of His  indicates that Purusha and Prakriti  are  but two different readings of the same Reality. H has  further  materialized Himself into sentient and insentient. Therefore nothing is alien to Him .

                            BG 7-11    बलं बलवतां चाहं कामरागविवर्जितम् |
                     धर्माविरुद्धो भूतेषु कामोऽस्मि भरतर्षभ || 11||

BG 7.11: O best of the Bharatas, in strong persons, I am their strength devoid of desire and passion. I am sexual activity not conflicting with virtue or scriptural injunctions.
Sri Ramakrishna :             
Why does the mind deviate  when one sits in meditation ? It is due to base desires  A fly sits now on  sacramental food and next on filth. But the case of the bee is different. It sits on a blossom or in its hive and nowhere  else. The worldly minded sadhakas are like the house fly  and the Paramahamsas like the bee . The former are occasionally devoted and the latter ever devoted to the Lord .

                             BG 7-13   त्रिभिर्गुणमयैर्भावैरेभि: सर्वमिदं जगत् |
                    मोहितं नाभिजानाति मामेभ्य: परमव्ययम् || 13||

BG 7.13: Deluded by the three modes of Maya, people in this world are unable to know Me, the imperishable and eternal.

Sri Ramakrishna :
Iswara plays at assuming the human forms. He is a great magician. The universe and the beings in it are all His magic , created by His inscrutable power  called Maya  The magician is real while his magic a mere phantom 

                              BG 7-16    चतुर्विधा भजन्ते मां जना: सुकृतिनोऽर्जुन |
                     आर्तो जिज्ञासुरर्थार्थी ज्ञानी च भरतर्षभ || 16||

BG 7.16: O best amongst the Bharatas, four kinds of pious people engage in My devotion—the distressed, the seekers of knowledge, the seekers of worldly possessions, and those who are situated in knowledge.

Sri Ramakrishna :
Blessed are they who keep God as their goal and strive  accordingly. Zeroes have no value, but they gain in value when linked to the number one. God is a number one and all the worldly  things are zeroes. Independent of God , they are mere ciphers, but when associated with Him , they gain in importance.

                        BG 7-18  उदारा: सर्व एवैते ज्ञानी त्वात्मैव मे मतम् |
                   आस्थित: स हि युक्तात्मा मामेवानुत्तमां गतिम् || 18||

BG 7.18: All those who are devoted to Me are indeed noble. But those in knowledge, who are of steadfast mind, whose intellect is merged in Me, and who have made Me alone as their supreme goal, I consider as My very self.

Sri Ramakrishna :
A master is naturally drawn to a servant who serves him whole-heartedly and to the best of his ability. When their mutual love and fidelity gets firm-rooted the master may some day entrust the management of his entire property to the servant . Akin to this act of man, the Lord holds His devotee as His own self .

                               BG 7-20   कामैस्तैस्तैर्हृतज्ञाना: प्रपद्यन्तेऽन्यदेवता: |
                    तं तं नियममास्थाय प्रकृत्या नियता: स्वया || 20||
BG 7.20: Those whose knowledge has been carried away by material desires surrender to the celestial gods. Following their own nature, they worship the devatās, practicing rituals meant to propitiate these celestial personalities.

Sri Ramakrishna :
Healing disease, winning litigation, walking on water- trifling physical powers such as these , appeal most to men of base mental make But the true devotees give no thought to those vulgar things. They are solely intent on gaining the gracious vision of the Lord.

                              BG -7-22    स तया श्रद्धया युक्तस्तस्याराधनमीहते |
                    लभते च तत: कामान्मयैव विहितान्हि तान् || 22|

BG 7.22: Endowed with faith, the devotee worships a particular celestial god and obtains the objects of desire. But in reality, I alone arrange these benefits.

Sri Ramakrishna :
Water seems to be flowing out from the mouths of the cows, tigers, and lions attached to the drain pipes from the roof of the house. But all these waters have actually come from the heavens in the form of rain. Similarly the words uttered by the holy ones are very often the inspiration come from Iswara.

              BG 7-26 वेदाहं समतीतानि वर्तमानानि चार्जुन |
                     भविष्याणि च भूतानि मां तु वेद न कश्चन || 26||
BG 7.26: O Arjun, I know of past, present, and future, and I also know all living beings; but Me no one knows.

Sri Ramakrishna :
It is possible for swan to separate milk from water and partake of the former only. The other birds are unable to do this. Iswara is  mingled with maya;  He is non-dual with it. The ordinary people cannot distinguish Him from maya. But the Paramahamsas- the men of perfection- are able to cognize Iswara to the exclusion of  maya .

                                  BG 7-28   येषां त्वन्तगतं पापं जनानां पुण्यकर्मणाम् |
                      ते द्वन्द्वमोहनिर्मुक्ता भजन्ते मां दृढव्रता: || 28||

BG 7.28: But persons, whose sins have been destroyed by engaging in pious activities, become free from the illusion of dualities. Such persons worship Me with determination.

Sri Ramakrishna : 
A rusty piece of iron is not actively susceptible to magnetization ; but when cleansed of rust , it readily responds. Similarly in that mind which has become rusty with attachment and aversion and likes and dislikes, devotion to the Lord does not dawn. Whereas in a pure mind Bhakti rises readily.

                                 BG 7-29   जरामरणमोक्षाय मामाश्रित्य यतन्ति ये |
                   ते ब्रह्म तद्विदु: कृत्स्नमध्यात्मं कर्म चाखिलम् || 29||

BG 7.29: Those who take shelter in Me, striving for liberation from old-age and death, come to know the Brahman, the individual self, and the entire field of karmic action.

Sri Ramakrishna :
When a man wants to eat a fruit, he discards its shell and seeds and helps himself to the pulp . But when he wants to purchase that fruit or make a study of it, he has to take into account the shell, the seeds ,the pulp and all the contends of the fruit. Very much like this, the seeker of God negates the world and goes to Him. But after God-realization he concludes that  it is Brahman that puts on the appearance of the universe and the beings in it .


                                                  AKSHARA  BRAHMA  YOGA   

                                              THE YOGA OF THE ETERNAL GOD  

             BG  8-4  अधिभूतं क्षरो भाव: पुरुषश्चाधिदैवतम् |
                       अधियज्ञोऽहमेवात्र देहे देहभृतां वर || 4||

BG 8.4: O best of the embodied souls, the physical manifestation that is constantly changing is called adhibhūta; the universal form of God, which presides over the celestial gods in this creation, is called Adhidaiva; I, who dwell in the heart of every living being, am called Adhiyajna, or the Lord of all sacrifices.

Sri Ramakrishna :
He is truly  a holy man whose body and  mind are entirely dedicated to the Lord. He has no occupation other than being absorbed all the while in God. Knowing that the Lord is residing in the hearts of all, he devotedly serves  them to the best of his ability. And these are the sure indications of a true man of God.

            BG 8-7   तस्मात्सर्वेषु कालेषु मामनुस्मर युध्य च |
                      मय्यर्पितमनोबुद्धिर्मामेवैष्यस्यसंशयम् || 7||

BG 8.7: Therefore, always remember Me and also do your duty of fighting the war. With mind and intellect surrendered to Me, you will definitely attain Me; of this, there is no doubt.

Sri Ramakrishna : 
The singing mendicant on the street artfully plays on the stringed instrument with one hand and with the other, gracefully beats the drum fastened around his neck. These two items of music serve as accompaniment to his songs. In this manner, man ought to discharge his worldly duties carefully and at the same time be inclined  Godward. He should  imbibe godly tendencies more  and more.

                         BG 8-16    आब्रह्मभुवनाल्लोका: पुनरावर्तिनोऽर्जुन |
                    मामुपेत्य तु कौन्तेय पुनर्जन्म न विद्यते || 16||

BG 8.16: In all the worlds of this material creation, up to the highest abode of Brahma, you will be subject to rebirth, O Arjun. But on attaining My Abode, O son of Kunti, there is no further rebirth.

Sri Ramakrishna :
When the boiled paddy is sown in the field it sprout  not. Even so, when a perfected person puts away the body, he is not born again.

                            BG 8-22    पुरुष: स पर: पार्थ भक्त्या लभ्यस्त्वनन्यया |
                    यस्यान्त:स्थानि भूतानि येन सर्वमिदं ततम् || 22||

BG 8.22: The Supreme Divine Personality is greater than all that exists. Although He is all-pervading and all living beings are situated in Him, yet He can be known only through devotion.

Sri Ramakrishna :

             BG 8-27  नैते सृती पार्थ जानन्योगी मुह्यति कश्चन |
                      तस्मात्सर्वेषु कालेषु योगयुक्तो भवार्जुन || 27||

BG 8.27: Yogis who know the secret of these two paths, O Partha, are never bewildered. Therefore, at all times be situated in Yoga (union with God).

Sri Ramakrishna : 
In whatever direction the ship may sail, the needle of the compass in it ever points to the North. Similar to it, let the mind of the devotee be ever  fixed on the lotus feet of the Lord, irrespective of  his occupation.

                                               RAJA VIDYA  RAJA GUHYA  YOGA
                            THE  YOGA OF SOVEREIGN  SCIENCE  AND SECRET

              BG 9-6 यथाकाशस्थितो नित्यं वायु: सर्वत्रगो महान् |
                     तथा सर्वाणि भूतानि मत्स्थानीत्युपधारय || 6||

BG 9.6: Know that as the mighty wind blowing everywhere rests always in the sky, likewise all living beings always rest in Me.

Sri Ramakrishna :
Though the wind carries the good and bad odour  alike it remains  unaffected by both
Para - Brahman is in this wise unaffected by the phenomenal universe.

            BG 9-11 अवजानन्ति मां मूढा मानुषीं तनुमाश्रितम् |

   परं भावमजानन्तो मम भूतमहेश्वरम् || 11||

BG 9.11: When I descend in My personal form deluded persons are unable to recognize Me. They do not know the divinity of My personality, as the Supreme Lord of all beings.

Sri Ramakrishna :
The elephant has the visible tusks and invisible set of teeth. Similarly the Incarnations like Sri Krishna have the human and Divine combined in them. While appearing as the human, they are transcendental Divine, unaffected by karma and things mundane.
                             BG 9 - 15   ज्ञानयज्ञेन चाप्यन्ये यजन्तो मामुपासते |
                      एकत्वेन पृथक्त्वेन बहुधा विश्वतोमुखम् || 15||

BG 9.15: Others, engaging in the  yajña of cultivating knowledge, worship Me by many methods. Some see Me as undifferentiated oneness that is non-different from them while others see Me as separate from them. Still others worship Me in the infinite manifestations of My cosmic form.

Sri Ramakrishna :
Whatever be your concept of God , be it with form or formless, hold fast to it and ardently  worship Him. But be not conceited that your concept alone of  Him is the finale. In the course of your sadhana  you will comes to know by His grace that His attributes and forms are inexhaustible.

                          BG 9-16,17   अहं क्रतुरहं यज्ञ: स्वधाहमहमौषधम् |
                      मन्त्रोऽहमहमेवाज्यमहमग्निरहं हुतम् || 16||
                      पिताहमस्य जगतो माता धाता पितामह: |
                     वेद्यं पवित्रमोङ्कार ऋक्साम यजुरेव च || 17||

BG 9.16-17: It is I who am the Vedic ritual, I am the sacrifice, and I am the oblation offered to the ancestors. I am the medicinal herb, and I am the Vedic mantra. I am the clarified butter, I am the fire and the act of offering. Of this universe, I am the Father; I am also the Mother, the Sustainer, and the Grandsire. I am the purifier, the goal of knowledge, the sacred syllable Om. I am the Ṛig Veda, Sāma Veda, and the Yajur Veda.

Sri Ramakrishna :

Bhagavan, Bhagavatham and  the Bhakthas   ---these three are identical.

            BG 9-22  अनन्याश्चिन्तयन्तो मां ये जना: पर्युपासते |
                    तेषां नित्याभियुक्तानां योगक्षेमं वहाम्यहम् || 22||

BG 9.22: There are those who always think of Me and engage in exclusive devotion to Me. To them, whose minds are always absorbed in Me, I provide what they lack and preserve what they already possess.

Sri Ramakrishna :
When the devotee takes on stride towards the Lord, He takes ten strides towards  the devotee. Such is His grace.

                        BG 9-25    यान्ति देवव्रता देवान्पितॄ न्यान्ति पितृव्रता: |
                 भूतानि यान्ति भूतेज्या यान्ति मद्याजिनोऽपि माम् ||25||

BG 9.25: Worshippers of the celestial gods take birth amongst the celestial gods, worshippers of the ancestors go to the ancestors, worshippers of ghosts take birth amongst such beings, and My devotees come to Me alone.

Sri Ramakrishna : 
A dyer once had a unique method of  coloring  clothes. He had a solitary dye tub into which he would dip the clothes brought in by customers and give whatever color  they wanted. Red, yellow ,blue, green,  purple --all these  and more colors were produced from the same tub. An intelligent customer who watched  all these miracles entrusted his cloth the dyer and requested him to dye as he liked.
     Our mind is the  cloth. Iswara is the dyer and dyeing tub. He gives us as to what we pray for. The best that we can do is not to ask Him  for anything but give ourselves over to Him . He in His turn gives Himself to us.

                                BG 9-27    यत्करोषि यदश्नासि यज्जुहोषि ददासि यत् |
                      यत्तपस्यसि कौन्तेय तत्कुरुष्व मदर्पणम् || 27||
BG 9.27: Whatever you do, whatever you eat, whatever you offer as oblation to the sacred fire, whatever you bestow as a gift, and whatever austerities you perform, O son of Kunti, do them as an offering to Me.

Sri Ramakrishna :
" O I am an instrument ; You are its manipulator. I am the  house; You are the  resident. I am the  chariot and You are the charioteer. I move as You make me move. I speak as You direct. My doings are all Your doings. Not I ; not I; but You."

                            BG 9-28    शुभाशुभफलैरेवं मोक्ष्यसे कर्मबन्धनै: |
                  संन्यासयोगयुक्तात्मा विमुक्तो मामुपैष्यसि || 28|| 
BG 9.28: By dedicating all your works to Me, you will be freed from the bondage of good and bad results. With your mind attached to Me through renunciation, you will be liberated and will reach Me.
Sri Ramakrishna : 
What should you do when you are in this world? . You should dedicate your everything to Iswara . You take refuge in Him. Then you will have no  misery whatsoever . You will forthwith get to the Lord. 

                     BG 9-32     मां हि पार्थ व्यपाश्रित्य येऽपि स्यु: पापयोनय: |
                स्त्रियो वैश्यास्तथा शूद्रास्तेऽपि यान्ति परां गतिम् || 32||

BG 9.32: All those who take refuge in Me, whatever their birth, race, gender, or caste, even those whom society scorns, will attain the supreme destination.

Sri Ramakrishna :
When there is a hurricane, it is not possible to distinguish one tree from the other. Similarly when there is the hurricane of Bhakthi in the mind, distinctions such as sex, caste ,color and race vanish of their own accord.

                            BG 9-33     किं पुनर्ब्राह्मणा: पुण्या भक्ता राजर्षयस्तथा |
                    अनित्यमसुखं लोकमिमं प्राप्य भजस्व माम् || 33||
BG 9.33: What then to speak about kings and sages with meritorious deeds? Therefore, having come to this transient and joyless world, engage in devotion unto Me.

Sri Ramakrishna :

How shall we the Lord ?
 Can you with a distressed heart pray to Him for His  grace and revelation ? You shed  pots full of tears for the sake of your wife , children and property. Have you ever shed a drop of tear seeking the Lord?  As long as the baby is interested in toys, the mother minds her own business. But when the baby throws away those things and screams, the mother rushes to attend on it. You behave likewise towards  God; and He will reveal  Himself to you .

                                                                  VIBHUTI YOGA
                                       THE YOGA OF  DIVINE MANIFESTATION

             BG 10-2  न मे विदु: सुरगणा: प्रभवं न महर्षय: |
                     अहमादिर्हि देवानां महर्षीणां च सर्वश: || 2||

BG 10.2: Neither celestial gods nor the great sages know of My origin. I am the source from which the gods and great seers come.

Sri Ramakrishna :
The divine breeze blowing from the ocean of  Sat-Chit-Ananad Brahman transports people into  ecstasy .  Sanaka , sanatana and other Rishis got themselves perfected by this divine breeze . A mere  glimpse of the ocean sent Narada into raptures. Suka the born Brahma -Jnani  touched this water but once and got himself with Brahmavasta and wandered the world as a divine lad. Siva the cosmic Teacher took only three sips from this  Great  Ocean and became dazed with transcendental Bliss. Indeed, who can measure the depth or the characteristic of the Infinite Ocean of Brahman

               BG 10-7  एतां विभूतिं योगं च मम यो वेत्ति तत्त्वत: |
                    सोऽविकम्पेन योगेन युज्यते नात्र संशय: || 7||
BG 10.7: Those who know in truth My glories and divine powers become united with Me through unwavering Bhakti Yoga. Of this there is no doubt.

Sri Ramakrishna :
A lamp cannot burn without oil. Even so, man cannot be bereft of God.
           BG 10-9 मच्चित्ता मद्गतप्राणा बोधयन्तः परस्परम् ।
                 कथयन्तश्च मां नित्यं तुष्यन्ति च रमन्ति च ॥9॥

BG 10.9: With their minds fixed on Me and their lives surrendered to Me, My devotees remain ever content in Me. They derive great satisfaction and bliss in enlightening one another about Me and in conversing about My glories.

Sri Ramakrishna :
No picture can be painted on a fresh glass. But if it be coated  with the required  chemicals, painting on it then becomes possible and effective. Similarly if man's heart
were coated with the chemicals of devotion, the imprinting of the august presence of Iswara on it becomes easy. 

              BG 10-10  तेषां सततयुक्तानां भजतां प्रीतिपूर्वकम् |
                      ददामि बुद्धियोगं तं येन मामुपयान्ति ते || 10||
BG 10.10: To those whose minds are always united with Me in loving devotion, I give the divine knowledge by which they can attain Me.

Sri Ramakrishna :
A  man confined within a dark room contacts a ray of light coming in through a tiny aperture . He gathers knowledge of light to that extent. But as the aperture increases in size his conception of light widens  A man in broad day light has his own view of light  Similar  to this , God reveals  himself in varying degrees and aspects according to the nature  and  attainments of His devotees .

           BG 10-11 तेषामेवानुकम्पार्थमहमज्ञानजं तम: |
                 नाशयाम्यात्मभावस्थो ज्ञानदीपेन भास्वता || 11||

BG 10.11: Out of compassion for them, I, who dwell within their hearts, destroy the darkness born of ignorance, with the luminous lamp of knowledge.

Sri Ramakrishna :
The policeman patrolling at night carries a bull's eye lantern with the aid of which he sees the persons loitering about. But this lantern does not disclose its carrier .If he , however, turns it on himself the others then come to know  who he is. Likewise, Iswara  reveals Nature and its contents, but keeps Himself  hidden.  Nobody can see Him except through His grace and compassion.

                       BG 10-14    सर्वमेतदृतं मन्ये यन्मां वदसि केशव |
                   न हि ते भगवन्व्यक्तिं विदुर्देवा न दानवा: || 14||

BG 10.14: O Krishna, I totally accept everything You have told me as the Truth. O Lord, neither gods nor the demons can understand Your true personality.

Sri Ramakrishna :
The sun is immensely greater than the earth, but because of the distance it appears as a small disk . In this wise Iswara's attributes are infinite, but we know very little of Him because  of our ignorance.

                         BG 10-15   स्वयमेवात्मनात्मानं वेत्थ त्वं पुरुषोत्तम |
                         भूतभावन भूतेश देवदेव जगत्पते || 15 ||

BG 10.15: Indeed, You alone know Yourself by Your inconceivable energy, O Supreme Personality, the Creator and Lord of all beings, the God of gods, and the Lord of the universe!

Sri Ramakrishna :
An individual took a diamond to the market place for valuation and asked several shop keepers about it. The brinjal seller opined  that five baskets of brinjals might be bartered  for  that gem. The rice merchant viewed  that two bags of rice  could be liberally given in exchange for it . The draper in his turn  held that a bale of linen  might be unhesitatingly  offered  for that precious thing. Finally it was given  to  the  diamond merchant  who alone could value it for two lakhs of Rupees ! . In this fashion the Lord  is also beheld in varying ways according to the people's  power of understanding God's  glories are verily  unfathomable .

          BG 10-16,17  वक्तुमर्हस्यशेषेण दिव्या ह्यात्मविभूतय: |
                     याभिर्विभूतिभिर्लोकानिमांस्त्वं व्याप्य तिष्ठसि || 16||
                       कथं विद्यामहं योगिंस्त्वां सदा परिचिन्तयन् |
                     केषु केषु च भावेषु चिन्त्योऽसि भगवन्मया || 17||
BG 10.16-17: Please describe to me Your divine opulences, by which You pervade all the worlds and reside in them. O Supreme Master of Yog, how may I know You and think of You. And while meditating, in what forms can I think of You, O Supreme Divine Personality?

Sri Ramakrishna  :
The revelation of God  comes purely by His  mercy. He is the sun of knowledge. It is possible for a single ray  of His to enlighten the whole world. We are therefore able to understand one another and to acquire knowledge  in all its forms. More than all these, we get to know Him  by His grace only.
As the toy  fruits and  toy elephants remind  of the true fruits and elephant, the symbols and images remind the devotee of the eternal and formless God.

                               BG 10- 32    सर्गाणामादिरन्तश्च मध्यं चैवाहमर्जुन |
                     अध्यात्मविद्या विद्यानां वाद: प्रवदतामहम् || 32||         

BG 10.32: O Arjun, know Me to be the beginning, middle, and end of all creation. Amongst sciences I am the science of spirituality, and in debates I am the logical conclusion.

Sri  Ramakrishna :

Know the one that is the root of everything. Then the truth becomes  self evident to you. Put the number one first and then add the zeroes to it;  this done the Zeroes have their value. Without the number one , they are valueless. The many get their values from the original number  one. Iswara is the number one; the universe and the beings  are the zeroes appended to it. 

            BG 10-40  नान्तोऽस्ति मम दिव्यानां विभूतीनां परन्तप |
                     एष तूद्देशत: प्रोक्तो विभूतेर्विस्तरो मया || 40||

BG 10.40: There is no end to My divine manifestations, O conqueror of enemies. What I have declared to you is a mere sample of My infinite glories.

Sri Ramakrishna :
Who can know Iswara in His entirety ? That power and privilege are not given to us. Again it is not necessary that we know His infinitude. As our understanding  permits, it is  enough if we know Him alone to be real. Let it be supposed that one wants to see the Ganges and have a holy dip in it. Plodding along from Gangotri to Ganganagar , that is from the source to the estuary , need  not be gone through. Contact with this sacred river at any convenient spot  serves the purpose.

                              BG 10-42    अथवा बहुनैतेन किं ज्ञातेन तवार्जुन |
                  विष्टभ्याहमिदं कृत्स्नमेकांशेन स्थितो जगत् || 42||
BG 10.42: What need is there for all this detailed knowledge, O Arjun? Simply know that by one fraction of My being, I pervade and support this entire creation.

Sri  Ramakrishna :
God is with form, without form and also transcending all these.  He alone knows who and what He is .


  1. A good effort! The post is long covering many slokas. Each one needs to read and contemplated upon before going to the next. I read a few today and hope to complete in a day or two.

  2. Very nice. How & when you have done?? Shall I send it to others?

    1. Thank you. But you may give name also with the comments. PLEASE SEND IT TO YOUR CONTACTS , AS YOU MAY WISH.


“ദി സ്റ്റോറിടെല്ലർ” – അവലോകനം

    Readers:  26 “ദി സ്റ്റോറിടെല്ലർ” – അവലോകനം എല്ലാ സിനിമകളും എല്ലാവർക്കും വേണ്ടിയുള്ളതല്ല, ‘ദി സ്റ്റോറിടെല്ലർ’ അത്തരമൊരു സിനിമാറ്റിക് അനുഭ...