Most of us often travel by Bus, Train or Airlines . You can distinctly notice the way people behave too. If by Air, the moment boarded and seated your neighbour takes a book or Notepad or some periodicals
and casually turn the pages or drowned to it as a serious reader never bothered about surrounding and abhor his neighbour as his borne enemy. Same is with the fellow travelling in the Train specially if it is in a higher class, because others for him is of ‘Cattle Class’. In bus you might have noticed the two passengers continuously blabbering at high decibel. This is definitely not civility and can ever be tolerated. All are equal in the society and have the right to their given spaces. Each of us has one or the other gift or knowledge in their field. A teacher is an expert in teaching or a weaver in his craft, so is a farmer in his area of farming. As each one of them is equal , there is no business for the other person intruding by speaking loudly and disturb, the calmness or privacy being enjoyed by his co passenger.
“ As per tender conditions, EMD of Rs. One lakh to be submitted ( in Bank draft / pay order only) along with other documents “ but ABC Constructions has given an undertaking that they will give when the tender is finally awarded. Both the Secretary and Vice Chairman wanted the Note to be put up recommending him for the Job. I put up the Note pointing out the said condition and my superiors were unhappy with me.” Said the Section head. This may be genuine and correct but he has no business to talk in loud mouth and to continue this type of talk in a common place either in bus or train etc..
The state of the mind and conscientious of a person has different meaning, real or unreal of self- creation, and spontaneous.
The talk above comes under plain vanity. Nobody, of course can be expected to behave in uniformity, however conscience of the surrounding or their status.
There was a Speaker who delivers to his audience spell bound on the subject seriously, but will continue to do so not looking at the watch but calendar. He will stop only when the audience starts howling and dispersing . The story goes that when in a union meeting, in spite of the Minister appealing for ending the prolonged strike, he could not succeed. And as a last resort Minister told them that he is inviting Mr..... to speak before you. It worked instantly, the staff and workers rushed back to their seats with all the energy and spirit left in them!
There is a humorous story once read about Abraham Lincoln, the great President of USA. He was once attending the speech of a Bishop . After two long hours when he concluded the speech, Lincoln met him and told “ I have a book where all the words you spoke about is in my home”. Bishop was angry and retorted,” No , every word uttered by me is mine only and not stolen from somebody. Let me seek the book you referred and give it to me.” Lincoln promptly and purposely send thro the book to him. When the Bishop curiously and breathlessly opened the packet it was a big English Dictionary with more than 3000 pages.!!
Thoughts that inspires others to think...