March 31, 2024




 The debate , as to whether a person will go to Heaven or Hell have never ceased to exist  in our  belief system  of Religion.

 If life is about the journey and not the destination, could it be

 that this is heaven--this physical life we are living here on

 earth ? What we experience in our daily lives often feels like

 anything but heaven!

ANITA MOORJANI, the Author of this book, WHAT IF THIS IS HEAVEN puts her thoughts and can be read as a piece of basic philosophy.

  At a deeper level, the book can serve as a guide or a path to living a life full of morals, respect, dedication, and goodness, irrespective of the religion or faith that you profess or believe in. 

We need more books like this to help the younger generation understand, where we are lacking in leading a better and balanced life. Our elders may not have had the material comforts that we now consider for granted. But surely they led a more content life and were in close proximity with their spiritual strengths “ says Brian Griffith

This book highlights the common myths in 10 chapters that

 most of us have accepted as truth. Each chapter has section

 called “ Living Here and Now” , Tips and Exercises, Questions

 to Ask Yourselves and possible solutions.

The Chapters ( Myths ) are:

1.   You  get what you deserve

2.   Loving yourself is selfish

3.   Real love means anything goes

4.   I’m Not okay, you are Not okay

5.   Health care cares for our health

6.   It’s just a coincidence

7.   We pay for our sins at death

8.   Spiritual people don’t have egos

9.   Women are the weaker sex

10. We must always be positive

   Books like these awaken the mind, uplift the heart, and give its readers a purpose and meaning in their respective lives.

   The book is definitely not something that can be read like a novel or a piece of journalistic non-fiction. It is something that has to be savored with great patience and care. The book is definitely worth your time and the effort that you will put in to read it from cover to cover.

      This  book is a must read and to be  kept in your personal collection.

*About the Author :  Anita Moorjani is the New York Times best selling author of Dying to be me is an account of her nearly four year battle with cancer that culminated in a fascinating and moving near death experience , which vastly changed her perspectives on life. Before becoming an author and international speaker,  she worked in the corporate world. She is multi lingual personality because of her upbringing and now lives in United States.

More details:

Name of the Book  -  What If This Is Heaven ?

Author                     -   Anita  Moorjani

Publisher                - Hay House India              

Year of Publication   -  2016

Genre              - Nonfiction · Spirituality · Self help. Inspirational        

Paperback                -  180 pages

ISBN                           -978 -93-85827-31-0 : ‎ 

Price                           – INR 350


  1. I read somewhat similar thoughts in a book" Who stole my cheese"
    Everyone realizes the money is not everything only when they are pushed into a tight corner or blind alley feeling helpless and realize the true meaning of life. Whether it is Bhishma of Mahabharat or Steve Jobs of Apple the wisdom dawns only when they are in death bed ! Only saints and sages understand this truth at an early age and escape from the cycle of life and death. H S Narayanan

  2. Great book review @Sakthi ! Thank you….. A Kundu


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    Readers:  26 “ദി സ്റ്റോറിടെല്ലർ” – അവലോകനം എല്ലാ സിനിമകളും എല്ലാവർക്കും വേണ്ടിയുള്ളതല്ല, ‘ദി സ്റ്റോറിടെല്ലർ’ അത്തരമൊരു സിനിമാറ്റിക് അനുഭ...