March 28, 2024

Musings .... Recollections..4


 ‘A very pleasant day. Will make a visit to Krishnamurthy’s House’ thought Ramamurthy and readied his wife and son and shortly reached his house.  Krishnamurthy and his family was planning to watch a not so popular movie having nothing else to do. It was just then Ramamurthy with his entourage knocked at the door. The hosts keeping aside their resentment,  welcomed the guests inside and to be seated. Much before they were settled, Ramamurthy’s son rushed to the half- opened glass showcase and took the heavy idol of Ganesha made of clay. No sooner he lifted, it slipped from his hand and broken to umpteen pieces.

Hiding aside their anger, Krishnamurthy and wife showed a smiling face, said: Oh…, it is ok, he is a child, let him play. And the boy goes for his next act; but his parents does not bother about him or his misdemeanors.  . Rather smiled and appreciative of his adventures. They stayed there with coffee and snacks for more than two three hours and left. Just then Krishnamurthy's  wife  burst out of the boy’s act and his parents behavior in promoting the destructive activities of the child.

   There are children who behaves exactly opposite to this boy. Before entering the guests’ home they keep the footwears outside the door, walks slowly to occupy the seats without a murmur. When drinks are served the English medium child  take it obediently and says ‘ Thanks’ to the host. He picks up instantly a towel or plate in case it falls by chance from the host and gives him and utter ‘welcome’ for the anticipated thanks. When he leaves with his parents, individually salutes the hosts too, before reaching the gate.

Of the two boys, I am sure you would like the latter most without saying. But remember one thing. The first one is uncontrollable and beyond every conceivable law. He uses his might and will power freely and  does whatever he wants to do. However, when grows up he will not be selfish and will help the needy to the utmost even if he has to spend from his pocket. The second one will be in parents hold and within the iron rule made out for him in their home. He may not even taste a cup of tea from the outside nor will spend to board a bus rather prefer to walk back home. He will swallow the cold water served as coffee made  by his wife silently. His bank balance will  increase substantially whereas the first one will be running around for loans from bank.

You may notice that many of the moral policing volunteers belong to the second category who had grown up over the years. For them only laws matter. If one such fellow become a teacher he will give his student 49 marks only instead of the pass mark at 50, because for him rules are the Bible. He might even have kept a calling bell in his bed room and allow his wife when the bell rings twice and when his purpose on her is over bell will ring again so that she may go and sleep with her children soon.  Before leaving to office, he may allot one hundred rupee for her for the purchases of provision, and ironing his dresses etc.. and call for the balance or account when returns from office.

Don't you think that Life will be  miserable and lost if such moral advisors are in society and run it with no resistance !  *

* ( The subject idea adapted freely from Periodicals and essayed by Late Prof. Krishnan Nair, Author and renowned Litereary critic. )


  1. I have never liked the concept of moral policing . After all who is to decide what is right and what is wrong ? In the south we marry cousins but in Bengal it is counted as incest! What is considered right depends on place, time and community.
    While I don't believe in curbing a child's spirits , some restraint needs to be taught or everything will go hay wire.
    Shantha Rao

  2. Reflections: No one is permanently good or bad. The person's vasanas ,experiences, inadequacies & defence mechanisms filter the responses. The mind is a powerful tool. The senses expose the atma to experience , the super ego based learnings, the proportion of child & controlling ego states, the choice of words in spoken language while thinking in one's mother language...may all alter the content or the delivery. Time & space for the physical body is limited by the lifetime, while the atma travels across time lines eternally.
    This calls for starting neutral in each of our interaction, with every being, because everything undergoes change. Birth, growth & death of bodies , opinions, ideas goes on eternally. Neutrality & equipoise serves well to create a balance in interactions & also importantly, in silence . For after all, silence follows the limits of any language, beyond any of the three states of being.

  3. The above msg from Dr Vinod Narayan.

  4. Very debatable topic. While I don’t like moral policing at all…. I also feel that certain discipline should be taught by parents to their children right from early childhood…..Amitava Kundu


“ദി സ്റ്റോറിടെല്ലർ” – അവലോകനം

    Readers:  26 “ദി സ്റ്റോറിടെല്ലർ” – അവലോകനം എല്ലാ സിനിമകളും എല്ലാവർക്കും വേണ്ടിയുള്ളതല്ല, ‘ദി സ്റ്റോറിടെല്ലർ’ അത്തരമൊരു സിനിമാറ്റിക് അനുഭ...