March 31, 2024




 The debate , as to whether a person will go to Heaven or Hell have never ceased to exist  in our  belief system  of Religion.

 If life is about the journey and not the destination, could it be

 that this is heaven--this physical life we are living here on

 earth ? What we experience in our daily lives often feels like

 anything but heaven!

ANITA MOORJANI, the Author of this book, WHAT IF THIS IS HEAVEN puts her thoughts and can be read as a piece of basic philosophy.

  At a deeper level, the book can serve as a guide or a path to living a life full of morals, respect, dedication, and goodness, irrespective of the religion or faith that you profess or believe in. 

We need more books like this to help the younger generation understand, where we are lacking in leading a better and balanced life. Our elders may not have had the material comforts that we now consider for granted. But surely they led a more content life and were in close proximity with their spiritual strengths “ says Brian Griffith

This book highlights the common myths in 10 chapters that

 most of us have accepted as truth. Each chapter has section

 called “ Living Here and Now” , Tips and Exercises, Questions

 to Ask Yourselves and possible solutions.

The Chapters ( Myths ) are:

1.   You  get what you deserve

2.   Loving yourself is selfish

3.   Real love means anything goes

4.   I’m Not okay, you are Not okay

5.   Health care cares for our health

6.   It’s just a coincidence

7.   We pay for our sins at death

8.   Spiritual people don’t have egos

9.   Women are the weaker sex

10. We must always be positive

   Books like these awaken the mind, uplift the heart, and give its readers a purpose and meaning in their respective lives.

   The book is definitely not something that can be read like a novel or a piece of journalistic non-fiction. It is something that has to be savored with great patience and care. The book is definitely worth your time and the effort that you will put in to read it from cover to cover.

      This  book is a must read and to be  kept in your personal collection.

*About the Author :  Anita Moorjani is the New York Times best selling author of Dying to be me is an account of her nearly four year battle with cancer that culminated in a fascinating and moving near death experience , which vastly changed her perspectives on life. Before becoming an author and international speaker,  she worked in the corporate world. She is multi lingual personality because of her upbringing and now lives in United States.

More details:

Name of the Book  -  What If This Is Heaven ?

Author                     -   Anita  Moorjani

Publisher                - Hay House India              

Year of Publication   -  2016

Genre              - Nonfiction · Spirituality · Self help. Inspirational        

Paperback                -  180 pages

ISBN                           -978 -93-85827-31-0 : ‎ 

Price                           – INR 350

March 28, 2024

Musings .... Recollections..4


 ‘A very pleasant day. Will make a visit to Krishnamurthy’s House’ thought Ramamurthy and readied his wife and son and shortly reached his house.  Krishnamurthy and his family was planning to watch a not so popular movie having nothing else to do. It was just then Ramamurthy with his entourage knocked at the door. The hosts keeping aside their resentment,  welcomed the guests inside and to be seated. Much before they were settled, Ramamurthy’s son rushed to the half- opened glass showcase and took the heavy idol of Ganesha made of clay. No sooner he lifted, it slipped from his hand and broken to umpteen pieces.

Hiding aside their anger, Krishnamurthy and wife showed a smiling face, said: Oh…, it is ok, he is a child, let him play. And the boy goes for his next act; but his parents does not bother about him or his misdemeanors.  . Rather smiled and appreciative of his adventures. They stayed there with coffee and snacks for more than two three hours and left. Just then Krishnamurthy's  wife  burst out of the boy’s act and his parents behavior in promoting the destructive activities of the child.

   There are children who behaves exactly opposite to this boy. Before entering the guests’ home they keep the footwears outside the door, walks slowly to occupy the seats without a murmur. When drinks are served the English medium child  take it obediently and says ‘ Thanks’ to the host. He picks up instantly a towel or plate in case it falls by chance from the host and gives him and utter ‘welcome’ for the anticipated thanks. When he leaves with his parents, individually salutes the hosts too, before reaching the gate.

Of the two boys, I am sure you would like the latter most without saying. But remember one thing. The first one is uncontrollable and beyond every conceivable law. He uses his might and will power freely and  does whatever he wants to do. However, when grows up he will not be selfish and will help the needy to the utmost even if he has to spend from his pocket. The second one will be in parents hold and within the iron rule made out for him in their home. He may not even taste a cup of tea from the outside nor will spend to board a bus rather prefer to walk back home. He will swallow the cold water served as coffee made  by his wife silently. His bank balance will  increase substantially whereas the first one will be running around for loans from bank.

You may notice that many of the moral policing volunteers belong to the second category who had grown up over the years. For them only laws matter. If one such fellow become a teacher he will give his student 49 marks only instead of the pass mark at 50, because for him rules are the Bible. He might even have kept a calling bell in his bed room and allow his wife when the bell rings twice and when his purpose on her is over bell will ring again so that she may go and sleep with her children soon.  Before leaving to office, he may allot one hundred rupee for her for the purchases of provision, and ironing his dresses etc.. and call for the balance or account when returns from office.

Don't you think that Life will be  miserable and lost if such moral advisors are in society and run it with no resistance !  *

* ( The subject idea adapted freely from Periodicals and essayed by Late Prof. Krishnan Nair, Author and renowned Litereary critic. )

March 25, 2024

One among them.. Me too

 One among them.... Me too

Nowadays seeing and interacting with people has become almost nil. There was a time when I am in native place, the first question comes from the person with a smile I meet was " Oh, mm.. has come on leave ? when is the return ? Heard that there is water scarcity in your city !" I often wonder to which question should I answer first or can it be with a smile, pass the test and move away ! The times have changed and they too are calm by themselves down. No more questions and a stare look or half a smile answers all from both the sides, if at all some recognize me !
Yesterday, I had to go to the bank in the after noon. Parked my vehicle near the shades and with difficulty climbed the stairs to the first floor. From there watched the side road and saw a tired old lady opens a packet full of biscuits to a stray dog while other two came running to get their share. No wonder the dogs in town are fat and healthy ; they are getting enough food. Therefore, there is no anxiety or impatience in them that a dog should naturally feel. She too, of a grandma's age very happy and talks to them as if to her own wards. When I came out from the Bank ,saw a dog slowly eating the biscuits lying in front of me on the footpath waggling the tail, not howling at the stranger. While I was about to enter the Car, a sound came from behind, saying :
"Sir, I am thirsty ,will you give me some money to have a cool drink from the shop ?"
When I looked, it was that old grandmother I mentioned earlier.
I looked at them closely and asked her,
"You bought the biscuits for the dogs and you didn't have enough money for the drink! Isn't that enough for your own business?"
I'll give it to you, but how much do you want?"
"Ten rupees ..?"
"Okay, but isn't this money too ,to buy biscuits for the dogs?!
Isn't that the truth?"
A small smile appeared on his lips and then disappeared.

She answered quickly with a smile and half- closed sunken eyes :
"I was a person who was around serving a lot of people nearby this place. Back then, everyone wanted me to cook and other domestic service to them. Now , when I became tired and sick no one wanted me. I have seen a lot of money and don't want anything in return. There is no one, likes me...these dogs loves me than my.....! She could not complete with chocking throat..
For a minute I was stunned, as if watching a movie where a scene of hyper-emotion came between joy and mischief or misery. Then, automatically extended the money.. no more questions to ask for..
There is only one thing a man needs until he departs this world.. Consideration, compassion and some love to make others cheer or laugh. Even if it is something that can be given without spending money , we will be stingy with it as much as we are stingy otherwise too ! Without thinking about tomorrow !😟

March 21, 2024

Musings..... Recollections..3

Most of us often travel by Bus, Train or Airlines . You can distinctly notice the way people behave too. If by Air, the moment boarded and seated your neighbour takes a book or Notepad or some periodicals
and casually turn the pages or drowned to it as a serious reader never bothered about surrounding and abhor his neighbour as his borne enemy. Same is with the fellow travelling in the Train specially if it is in a higher class, because others for him is of ‘Cattle Class’. In bus you might have noticed the two passengers continuously blabbering at high decibel. This is definitely not civility and can ever be tolerated. All are equal in the society and have the right to their given spaces. Each of us has one or the other gift or knowledge in their field. A teacher is an expert in teaching or a weaver in his craft, so is a farmer in his area of farming. As each one of them is equal , there is no business for the other person intruding by speaking loudly and disturb, the calmness or privacy being enjoyed by his co passenger.

“ As per tender conditions, EMD of Rs. One lakh to be submitted ( in Bank draft / pay order only) along with other documents “ but ABC Constructions has given an undertaking that they will give when the tender is finally awarded. Both the Secretary and Vice Chairman wanted the Note to be put up recommending him for the Job. I put up the Note pointing out the said condition and my superiors were unhappy with me.” Said the Section head. This may be genuine and correct but he has no business to talk in loud mouth and to continue this type of talk in a common place either in bus or train etc..

The state of the mind and conscientious of a person has different meaning, real or unreal of self- creation, and spontaneous.
The talk above comes under plain vanity. Nobody, of course can be expected to behave in uniformity, however conscience of the surrounding or their status.

There was a Speaker who delivers to his audience spell bound on the subject seriously, but will continue to do so not looking at the watch but calendar. He will stop only when the audience starts howling and dispersing . The story goes that when in a union meeting, in spite of the Minister appealing for ending the prolonged strike, he could not succeed. And as a last resort Minister told them that he is inviting Mr..... to speak before you. It worked instantly, the staff and workers rushed back to their seats with all the energy and spirit left in them!

There is a humorous story once read about Abraham Lincoln, the great President of USA. He was once attending the speech of a Bishop . After two long hours when he concluded the speech, Lincoln met him and told “ I have a book where all the words you spoke about is in my home”. Bishop was angry and retorted,” No , every word uttered by me is mine only and not stolen from somebody. Let me seek the book you referred and give it to me.” Lincoln promptly and purposely send thro the book to him. When the Bishop curiously and breathlessly opened the packet it was a big English Dictionary with more than 3000 pages.!!

March 15, 2024

Musings....Recollections - 2


    Fidel Castro ( 1926-2016 ) was a great  revolutionary  world leader  from Cuba. His beard is synonimous with his stature. Castro the man as a political reality he represents is replaced more by the beard. 

C.I.A made certain infamous  attempts to deface the beard of the leader which was confessed before the Congress. Their plan was to mix certain chemicals into the cigar which Castro regularly used. If it was found out  and proved,  they were certain about death sentence by the law of the land ! What does it mean? They believed his power will be reduced to zero in absence of the beard! Is he not the man and the spirit behind all the social and political upheavals and development of the nation-Cuba. Alas, but the ' media' has given a different image of the person giving more importance to the beard !

It was in 1977, the lady correspondent of a leading newspaper interviewed Castro with bold question : Sir, will you ever come in public shaving away the beard?  Knowing fully aware of the undue importance given to his beard by the media, he said: Do you know why we are not removing the beard ? It is because we are unable to get razors. Times have changed. Guarrilas were recognized by their beards alone. Moreover,  it was difficult to intrude spies into our team. Beard takes a longer time to grow and hence it served a purpose. And it has become a symbol too.

Anastasio Somoza ( 1896-1956 ) was the President of Nicaragua and he had strange and fiery wish. Somozo asked his troops before proceeding to capture 'Bay of Pig' , at least to bring a hair from Castro's beard.  The Cuban anti revolution troops of Somoza miserably lost the adventure and Somoza was shot to death. Nobody asked for his body parts. When Castro addressed on the first Annual celebration at  Nicaragua he roared: Somozo wanted only single hair of my beard. I am before you with my full beard to the people of free Nicaragua from the terrorism.

One can see how the media's imagination and views destroys the sense of Truth in this context and is a lesson for the present too !


..Musings.. recollections ..



One evening   Emperor Asoka, in Pataliputra,   was standing  aside  the  great river Ganges with  the retinue of his ministers and military forces. He was watching gracefully the force with which the river was flowing and suddenly asked his ministers’--

“ Who  can reverse the flow of this great Ganges upwards?.

As is expected came the reply ‘Nobody can do so, sire’.

 Bindumati,  a whore standing nearby the river who overheard the conversation, with due respects to the Emperor told, “Maharaj, I am a whore and make a living on my beauty. Having my truthful and sincere service to the community, I am sure of  reversing  upwards the flow of the Ganges.” No sooner than she had completed the roaring Ganges resumed  flow  upwards.  

 Aghast and surprised the Emperor asked   “what is the secret behind your action.

  The power of truth” came the reply.  “ Maharaj, whoever gave me  money , I  do not  look and differentiate them as to whether he is a Brahmin, Khastriya,  Vysya or shudra.   I render my service sincerely and truthfully and that is my strength,  having received the wages.

Each one has to follow the Dharma in their work and that is the meaning of Truthfulness.

( From “ Philosophies of India –By Heinrich Zimer/ Joseph Campbell )

2. Yajnadatta was bitten by a poisonous snake. His parents took him to a saint and reverently appealed him to save their son. He avoided them saying that he is not a Physician. But the parents  pressurised him use his  power as a saint. He has agreed and put his hand on Yajnadutta’s head and prayed saying that he had lived his life truthfully only  for the last one week and balance fifty years was against his conscience. Let the boy survive if there is any truth in my actions. Poison has receded to the ground partly as the child vomited. The father of the child said, “ I lived  hating  people coming to my house and neither the saints nor Brahmins were welcome there. If there is truth in my words, let my son survive.” Then it was turn of the mother. She prayed and said “ Oh my son, I hate your father more than the snake which bite you, though I hesitate to tell the truth in the presence of all. If what I said is true let my son get his life back.”  The full poison came  out of the body of the child and he walked away as if from a good sleep.

( It is the power of truth which is above every thing )

 3. Question : Is it sin to tell a lie?

   Answer: Not necessarily so  every time. Jean val jean was running for life, chased by the Police. He entered the Chappel and hid behind a door in the room  where a Sister was praying before the Altar.  The Police Inspector who followed him entered the Chapel and enquired the Sister, ‘ Are you alone in this  room? “ Who else can be,  when al I am praying alone before my Lord’’ retorted the Sister.

 The Police turned back and gone.

 Victor Yugo in his famous novel “ Les Miserables” writes: The Sister deserves to be anointed as a saint though she told a lie.

4. Bertrand Russel was walking on a village path alone. He saw a jackal,  very tired and forlorn was trying to run with all the energy left in its command. The hunter who was following the jackal asked  Russel,’  Have you seen a jackal  ‘ Oh, Yes . It has just ran away in that direction’  said  Russel to them and save the animal.

 Later he tells us : I do not think I should have been a better man if I had told the Truth.

( The conquest of Happiness - Bertrand Russel )

5. British soldiers were taking   Napoleon to Helena Island in their  ship. During the dinner time Napoleon saw the Captain of the ship Mr. Write   and asked him,  “ Are you the relative of the person whom these people accuse of me,  strangulated and killed.” 

“ Yes, sir” said the Captain, “ And will you now  explain  how Mr Write Sr. was killed who was under your custody in Jail” .  Napoleon ” Sure I will tell” and continued.” Mr. Write was in the ship  which was stationed on the French shores. It was found out that he joined the forces who were planning to kill me and I had to jail him. My idea was to keep him there till violence is curbed and peace is restored.  But due to depression and agony he suicided. You need not be surprised because it is in your  national character and pastime  for you,  unlike in other countries”.  Having said that he abruptly left the dinner table.

(  From the attractive book ,‘The murder of Napoleon‘)

This is the greatness and courage of Napoleon, inspite of being a prisoner surrounded by the British Army personnel.

6. An Englishman to an Indian : You speak about Advaitha, Dwaitha, Visishtadvaitha etc on and often . What is the use of this all to the common man?.  

The Indian retorted with another question: You come here to conquest Everest. And you respect and admire them, is not it. What  purpose does it serve to reach a place where even a single straw of grass doesn't grow.

Englishman : Oh that is great, conquer the nature. It is adventure.

Indian :  You conquer the mountain peaks  but we conquer the peaks of spirituality.

( Read in a story written by the Renowned writer Mr A S P Iyer. May be an actual incident too .)


“ദി സ്റ്റോറിടെല്ലർ” – അവലോകനം

    Readers:  26 “ദി സ്റ്റോറിടെല്ലർ” – അവലോകനം എല്ലാ സിനിമകളും എല്ലാവർക്കും വേണ്ടിയുള്ളതല്ല, ‘ദി സ്റ്റോറിടെല്ലർ’ അത്തരമൊരു സിനിമാറ്റിക് അനുഭ...